BluBox MBR

BluBox MBR systems are rapidly deployable, highly reliable wastewater treatment systems.

BluBox MBR modular membrane bioreactors are stand-alone integrated wastewater treatment systems capable of producing the highest quality effluent. BluBox MBR units are equipped with all critical process components including high quality fine screening, pumps, blowers, mixers, control valves, membrane modules, instrumentation, and control panels. The controls system is flexible and expandable.

icon symbolizing that BluBox MBR modular membrane bioreactors provide exceptional permeate quality


The system provides exceptional permeate quality to address the most stringent nitrogen and phosphorous effluent levels for both wastewater treatment and water reuse.

icon symbolizing that BluBox MBR modular membrane bioreactors have a compact footprint


MBR technology delivers a compact wastewater treatment system to conserve valuable real estate.

icon symbolizing that BluBox MBR modular membrane bioreactors meet or exceed regulatory standards


The system meets/exceeds the majority of regulatory standards including redundancy of all major components to ensure compliance.

icon symbolizing that BluBox MBR modular membrane bioreactors are scalable


BluBox MBR modular membrane bioreactors are easily expanded with additional modular units to address future expansion.

icon symbolizing fast delivery of BluBox MBR modular membrane bioreactors


Standardization, product inventory, and streamlined delivery methods will allow to deliver solutions within 6-12 weeks.

icon symbolizing the cost effectiveness of BluBox MBR modular membrane bioreactors


The leader in construction, fabrication, assembly, automation, startup, and ongoing technical support of modular membrane bioreactors.

How F&B Manufacturers Can Benefit From Using MBR Webinar | June 27, 2024

Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) systems offer significant benefits for food and beverage manufacturers.

During this webinar, led by a panel of leading experts in this technology, we’ll immerse ourselves in the cutting-edge of MBR technologies.

During this engaging webinar, you will learn about:

  • MBR systems produce high-quality effluent suitable for water reuse, conserving water resources and minimizing wastewater discharge
  • To align with ESG goals, MBR reduces environmental impacts and promotes sustainability
  • MBR technology has become technologically advanced, easy to operate and cost-efficient
  • An MBR system’s automated nature ensures consistent performance, reduced labor costs, and enhanced operational efficiency

By adopting MBR technology, manufacturers can achieve regulatory compliance, support environmental stewardship, and improve resource management, contributing to a greener, more sustainable industry.

By joining the webinar, you’ll also receive access to a new whitepaper, ‘Turning Wastewater into Value for Your Business.’

Case Studies

Integrated Water Services’ BluBox MBR team is focused on solving today’s challenges with meeting stringent effluent wastewater standards.

mbr wastewater systems for the food & beverage industry


mbr wastewater treatment systems for municipalities and rural localities


mbr wastewater treatment solutions for food and beverage factories

Food & Beverage

mbr wastewater treatment systems for commercial and residential developments


Learn more about BluBox MBR

Download this brochure, or better yet… Start a conversation with our experts. Let’s talk about your team’s needs and dial in a solution for you.

BluBox MBR Systems: modular membrane bioreactors