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Colorado Local Improvement District Upgrades WWTP

PROJECTS: Municipal/Districts
SERVICES: Construction, Start-up / Operations

View From Top of New Concrete Tank

Forming Concrete Tank

Final Constructed Project

“IWS did a great job with all aspects of the project from the initial submittals through construction and start-up. We would welcome the opportunity to work with IWS on future projects and highly recommend them.”

LOCATION: Berthoud Estates, CO
DESCRIPTION: Berthoud Estates, a 480 acre residential community located 45 miles north of Denver, Colorado and 3 miles east of the Town of Berthoud, recently upgraded its wastewater treatment infrastructure from a lagoon treatment system to an SBR plant to meet the regulatory discharge requirements. The construction value of the projected was approximately $2mm.

In the November 2013 general election, the Berthoud Estates and Foothill Estates communities voted to create a Local Improvement District (LID) with Larimer County to apply for a State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan through CDPHE. The LID loan was reserved to fund the design and construction of the mechanical wastewater treatment facility at the existing Berthoud Estates lagoon site.

The project was competitively bid in August 2016 and Integrated Water Services, Inc. (IWS) was the most responsive bidder for the construction and was awarded the project. Construction was completed in September 2017. JVA, Inc out of Fort Collins, CO was the consulting engineer for the project. Capital improvements of the upgraded system included a headworks building, mechanical bar screen with bypass channel, influent pump station (basin, pumps, valves, and controls), sequencing batch reactor (SBR) system (blowers, aeration system, valves, pumps, controls, and decant mechanism), aerobic digester (blower, aeration system, valves, pumps, controls, and telescoping valve), site electrical modifications, nonpotable water system, existing wastewater pond cleaning and biosolids removal and disposal, installation of an emergency storage basin liner, site piping, associated valves and cleanouts, tie-in to existing collection system manholes, tie-in to existing effluent outfall pipeline, and site grading and reseeding.

The SBR treatment system has a rated capacity of 63,000 gpd design flow and 177,100 gpd peak hourly flow. Treated effluent is discharged to a tributary of Dry Creek. John McGee, the Project Engineer at JVA said, “IWS did a great job with all aspects of the project from the initial submittals through construction and start-up. We would welcome the opportunity to work with IWS on future projects and highly recommend them.”

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Colorado Local Improvement District Upgrades WWTP 

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