Home » How Decentralized Systems Can Take Advantage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)

How Decentralized Systems Can Take Advantage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)

February 24, 2023 Blog
bipartisan infrastructure law

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) released its’ first funding allocations across the country in 2022. Over five years, American water and wastewater infrastructure projects will have $55B in loan and grant opportunities via State Revolving Funds (SRFs) and Federal programs. With our decentralized customers in mind, IWS dug into how the BIL supports small systems. It turns out there are many opportunities for decentralized systems to get their fair share of BIL money.

Over these five years, SRFs will receive $44B. But let’s break down the remaining $11B. Indian Health Services’ Sanitation Facilities Construction Division received $3.5B to continue addressing wastewater infrastructure deficiencies in native communities. For those in designated Geographic Programs, there’s another $1.7B for projects that treat its constituents’ wastewater and improve local ecosystems. Finally, the water reuse market received its most substantial funding yet, with $1B slated for the Bureau of Reclamation to fund water

recycling programs throughout the West via Title XVI Water Reuse Grants Program and other grants. If your system qualifies for these programs, you might receive BIL funding without applying to your SRF.


The BIL will contribute $33B to Drinking Water SRFs and $11.7B to Clean Water SRFs. These programs, administered by the states, make grants and loans available to communities for water and wastewater infrastructure investments. See where your state’s SRF funding ranked in 2022 to find what’s available to your system.

Critical SRF takeaways for our customers:

    1. Half of BIL financing must fund grants, not loans (No debt)

    1. States can provide matching waivers for qualifying systems (No money down)

    1. State matching requirements reduced to 10% (your SRF receives BIL funds easier)

Some state SRFs further committed to financing decentralized systems. North Carolina’s SRF diverts $1M per year for decentralized systems to pilot new sanitation technology. Texas’s SRF committed $2M per year for rural communities to access principal forgiveness towards their wastewater infrastructure funding. Learn more about SRF funding here.

1 in 5 Americans relies on decentralized systems for wastewater sanitation. The BIL is the opportunity these systems need to upgrade rural infrastructure. Once you receive your much-deserved funding, reach out to BluBox to make your decentralized wastewater project a reality.


For more information on how MBR Technology can serve your wastewater needs, contact:

Texas Region – Ed Gelsone – Email: egelsone@integratedwaterservices.com – Phone: 833-758-3338

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