Onsite Wastewater Systems upgraded at Colorado DOT rest areas

Wastewater Tank

PROJECT TYPE: Airport / Transportation
SERVICE: ConstructionStart-up/Operations
TECHNOLOGY: Textile Filter

LOCATION:  Glenwood Canyon, CO
DESCRIPTION: IWS provided a comprehensive renovation of two high-profile rest areas along the I-70 corridor in Colorado’s Glenwood Canyon, one of the most scenic sections of roadway in the country.

IWS provided a comprehensive renovation of two high profile rest areas along the I-70 corridor in Colorado’s Glenwood Canyon, one of the most scenic sections of roadwayin the  country. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) project featured facility upgrades and replacement of existing compostingtoilet s with new wastewater treatment systems at both the Bair Ranch and Hanging Lake Rest Areas. Both facilities are located in an environmentally sensitive area in a tight canyon on the Colorado River.

The main factor contributing to the renovation was the need to replace the existing composting toilets, which had exceeded their design capacity causing odors unacceptable to the public. The composting toilets were replaced with traditional flush toilets which required the construction of a new wastewater treatment system. The wastewater is treated in a primary tank, and then flows through Advanced Treatment Units before finally being disinfected through an Ultraviolet (UV) system. The treated and disinfected wastewater is then discharged to the Colorado River.

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Article in IWS Spring 2005 Newsletter PDF