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Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)

January 1, 2015 Blog

IWS utilizes GMP approach for Decentralized Wastewater and Water Treatment – the earlier IWS gets involved with a project the greater the benefits for the Owner

Integrated Water Services, Inc. (IWS) utilizes a “Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)” approach  for developers and commercial owners interested in locking in a fixed price for a turn-key project solution for decentralized wastewater and water treatment systems  – permitting, design, engineering, construction, and start-up.

For investors purchasing commercial properties or developers looking to expand existing facilities, IWS can complete a preliminary wastewater investigation during the due diligence or project evaluation phase and then provide a capped, not to exceed price to design, permit and construct the new wastewater system or system upgrades.  IWS can, by providing a “Guaranteed Maximum Price” to investors and developers prior to closing, eliminate our clients’ assumed risk for wastewater upgrades costs after closing and thus minimize post closing contingencies.

For example, depending upon site location, dewatering can be a project  variable that remains an unknown until subsurface exploration is completed and either a pump test or depth to groundwater is established. In those instances when the extent of dewatering is an unknown, that risk is isolated and the means for addressing it is spelled out in the contract.

Other issues that often need to be addressed include utility relocation, subsurface obstructions, subsurface conditions, rock, weather, and other related variables.

“Because our business focus is decentralized wastewater and water treatment systems, we have a good understanding of cost and project execution and are able to assume the business risks to deliver a permitted, operating, system” says Patton.

For more information, please click the ‘Contact’ tab to reach out to us. ,

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