PROJECT TYPE: Commercial / Industrial
SERVICE: Construction; Start-up / Operations
DESCRIPTION: IWS recently completed the construction of an industrial pre-treatment system at a world class pharmaceutical facility with over 600 employees in the Denver, CO area.
IWS recently completed the construction of an industrial pre-treatment system at a world class pharmaceutical facility with over 600 employees in the Denver, CO area. IWS completed a comprehensive upgrade to the facility’s industrial pre-treatment system while the manufacturing plant was in full production. IWS worked closely with the plant personnel to co-ordinate construction activities to minimize impact to the ongoing manufacturing operations. IWS worked at times during off-hours and low flow periods during the construction phase to accommodate the manufacturing schedule and plant operations.
The project involved the following IWS scope of work: construct a new reagent room in the existing building including two containment pods for acid and caustic supply tanks, pumps and controls, and a new HVAC system; install new 8’ diameter, 17’ deep, concrete lift station with pumps nd associated piping; modify existing blending manhole with connecting piping; install concrete pre-treatment vault (16’ by 12’ by 17’ deep) with a 3,500 gallon poly tank; install all associated piping for acid andcaustic mixing system; install pH control system including injection and mixing pumps; and constructed outfall to POTW. Construction included box type shoring of excavations adjacent to the building to depths of twenty feet.
While working in confined space locations with acid and caustic materials, IWS followed all OSHA requirements which included continuous air, tyvex suits, faceshiel ds, gloves, and other appropriate safety equipment.
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download IWS Construction Retrofit of Industrial Wastewater Pre-treatment System in Pharmaceutical Facility pdf (238kb)