Winslow Arizona Upgrades 2.2 MGD Wastewater Plant

PROJECTS: Municipal / Districts SERVICES: Construction;  Start up / Operations TECHNOLOGY: Lift Stations; Oxidation Ditches; Clarifier; Pond  SUSTAINABLE/WATER REUSE: Title 22 Reuse / Reclaimed Water   LOCATION: Winslow, AZ  DESCRIPTION: The City of Winslow, AZ recently upgraded its 2.2 MGD wastewater plant which will increase the efficiency of its operations, replace its clarifiers and headworks, upgrade its oxidation ditch, and upgrade […]

Malibu Starts Up New $24mm MBR Plant for Title 22 Re-use

PROJECT TYPE: Municipal / Districts SERVICE: Construction, Start-up / Operations TECHNOLOGY: Lift Station, MBR / Membrane SUSTAINABLE / WATER REUSE: Title 22 Re-use, Landscape / Subsurface Irrigation LOCATION: Malibu, CA DESCRIPTION: Integrated Water Services, Inc. (IWS) was a key team member on a $24 million recycled wastewater plant to service commercial businesses in the Civic Center area of Malibu, CA. The MBR […]

Value Engineering Enables Innovative Zero Discharge Ag Project

PROJECTS: Municipal / Districts SERVICES: Construction; Start-up / Operations, Value Engineering TECHNOLOGY: Aerated Lagoon  SUSTAINABLE/WATER REUSE: Title 22; Spray Field “This project wouldn’t have happened without IWS taking a leadership role in the Value Engineering process to bring the constructed cost down to meet our budget. IWS execution of the construction work was first rate, they were very professional and […]

IWS Completes California Tribal Water Reclamation Project

PROJECTS: Tribal Projects SERVICES: Construction, Start-up Operations TECHNOLOGY: SBR SUSTAINABLE / WATER REUSE: Landscape / Subsurface Irrigation, Title 22 Re-use IWS did a fantastic job for us. They helped to value engineer certain aspects of the project and complete our project on budget and on schedule. LOCATION: near Jamestown, California DESCRIPTION: The Chicken Ranch Rancheria Indian tribe […]

Community of Gold Village, CA installs Title 22 MBR treatment system

PROJECT TYPE: Municipal / Districts, Residential Developments SERVICE: Construction TECHNOLOGY: MBR / Membrane Filter SUSTAINABLE / WATER RE-USE: Title 22 Re-use LOCATION:  Marysville, CA DESCRIPTION: IWS contracted with the Yuba County Department of Public Works to install and construct the new MBR treatment system. The River Highlands WWTP Replacement Project was designed to treat and disinfect the wastewater to meet Title […]

Eco-Friendly Retail Center Launched in Malibu

PROJECT TYPE: Commercial Retail; Restaurants SERVICE: Construction; Start-up /Operations TECHNOLOGY: Membrane Filtration SUSTAINABLE/WATER RE-USE: Title 22 Re-use; LEED / Award Project; Landscape/Subsurface Irrigation LOCATION: Malibu, CA DESCRIPTION: IWS was selected by the Developers (longtime Malibu residents Richard Weintraub and Richard Sperber) and their General Contractor, Matt Construction (Santa Fe Springs, CA), to construct the system which included equalization tanks, a state-of-the-art Siemens Membrane […]