Commercial and Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems
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PROJECT TYPE: Educational / Schools SERVICE: Construction TECHNOLOGY: Sand Filter, Sports Field Irrigation LOCATION: Northern New Mexico DESCRIPTION: Upgrades to water and wastewater systems including: 10,000 GPD recirculating sand filter, 60,000 gallon cast in place concrete tank and lid, subsurface irrigation for athletic field, 34,000 gallon water storage tank, and new water treatment supply system. IWS completed a water, wastewater, […]
PROJECT TYPE: Educational/Schools SERVICE: Construction; Start-up / Operations TECHNOLOGY: Denitrification SUSTAINABLE / WATER RE-USE: Sustainable Media / Natural Treatment LOCATION: Needles, CA DESCRIPTION: IWS was awarded a contract to construct a wastewater treatment system, which included a state of the art denitrification solution to meet the regulatory requirements of the environmentally sensitive area. It was a pleasure working with IWS – they executed the […]
PROJECT TYPE: Educational / Schools SERVICE: Design-Build; Start-up / Operations TECHNOLOGY: Textile Filter; Denitrification SUSTAINABLE/WATER RE-USE Sustainable Media / Natural Treatment LOCATION: Monte Vista, CO DESCRIPTION: Design of the treatment system included the following components: a) 15,000 septic tank and 10,000 anoxic tank; b) a 15,000 gallon recirculation tank; c) six, AX-100 Advantex pods; d) two, 8,000 gallon denitrification upflow filter tanks; e) […]
PROJECT TYPE: Educational/Schools SERVICE: Construction; Start-up / Operations TECHNOLOGY: Textile Filter LOCATION: South Central CO DESCRIPTION: The treatment system had the following components: a 30,000 gallon primary tank; a 10,000 gallon recirculation tank; a 1,500 gallon dosing tank; four AX-100 pods; a 5,600 ft2 leachfield utilizing Quick 4 Infiltration Chambers; and a Control Building. IWS has a great deal of experience with these […]
PROJECT TYPE: Educational/Schools SERVICE: Construction; Start-up / Operations TECHNOLOGY: Textile Filter LOCATION: Rocky Mountain National Park, CO DESCRIPTION: IWS constructed a wastewater system designed to treat 10,000 gallons per day of wastewater from the school and includes the following components: four AX-100 treatment units; two 15,000 gallon tanks and one 8,000 gallon septic tank; one 10,000 gallon recirculation tank; one 2,000 gallon […]
PROJECT TYPE: Educational/Schools SERVICE: Construction; Start-up / Operations TECHNOLOGY: Denitrification SUSTAINABLE / WATER RE-USE: Sustainable Media / Natural Treatment LOCATION: Hereford, AZ DESCRIPTION: The upgrade to the existing treatment system included the following: a 15,000 gallon septic tank; a 12,000 gallon recirculation tank; five Orenco AX-100 pods; infiltration chambers for dispersal; collection system; fencing; and a lift station. IWS Was able to […]
PROJECT TYPE: Educational/Schools SERVICE: Design/Build; Start-up /Operations TECHNOLOGY: Textile Filter LOCATION: Southeastern CO DESCRIPTION: IWS’ scope of work included the construction and installation of all the treatment components, which included dewatering for all the tank excavations. We teach our kids to recognize a job well done and we extend the same courtesy to those that do a great […]
PROJECT TYPE: Educational/Schools SERVICE: Construction; Start-up/Operations TECHNOLOGY: Textile Filter SUSTAINABLE / WATER RE-USE: LEED/Award Projects LOCATION: Tucson, AZ DESCRIPTION: The wastewater treatment plant that IWS recently constructed on the campus of Andrada Polytechnic and Pantano High Schools located just outside Tucson, AZ (10 miles southeast) is part of a sustainable project that is on track for LEED Gold Certification and includes a 1 MW […]
PROJECT TYPE: Educational / Schools, Camps / Campgrounds SERVICE: Construction TECHNOLOGY: Textile Filter SUSTAINABLE / WATER RE-USE: Landscape / Subsurface Irrigation LOCATION: La Cañada, CA DESCRIPTION: Wastewater renovation which involved: the installation of an advanced treatment system; replacement of over 1,000 ft of existing collection lines; 7 new STEP systems (1,000 to 11,000 gallon tanks); and 10,000 sq ft drip dispersal […]