3 Ways Reclaimed Water Rewards Communities

Wastewater doesn’t go wasted when your community operates a Membrane Bioreactor. Sure, MBRs produce high-quality effluent. But that effluent can also supply an understated asset: reclaimed water. Some communities put reclaimed water to work irrigating public spaces and lawns. Some municipalities sell it to thirsty industries. BluBox MBRs are committed to empowering our reuse customers; […]

Advantages of MBR Systems

Membrane Bioreactors are becoming increasingly popular among developers, engineers and utility districts due to their small footprint and extremely high-quality effluent. Here are some of the top advantages of MBRs. ADVANTAGES: High Effluent Quality The membrane’s small pore size completely retains biomass, including entrapped and absorbed inorganic and organic micro-pollutants, pathogens, viruses, and macromolecules and […]