DESCRIPTION: Integrated Water Services, Inc. has completed the design, construction, and start-up of the wastewater treatment plant servicing the Lerin Hills Subdivision in Kendall County, Texas.
The plant was designed to accommodate flows up to 110,000 gallons per day, with start-up turndown to 11,000 gallons per day. Once completed the plant will be taken over by Lerin Hills Utility District to own and operate on behalf of the subdivision.
The design-build contract was competitively bid and IWS provided the competitive price while meeting the stringent TCEQ tertiary discharge limits of: BOD 5 mg/l; TSS 5 mg/l; Ammonia 1mg/l; and Phosphorous 0.5 mg/l. IWS worked with the treatment system vendor and owner to provide a treatment system that met the discharge requirements and also was within the owner’s budget for the project.
The proposed wastewater treatment system consists of a complete mix activated sludge wastewater treatment system and tertiary filtration system. The treatment system is designed to be compatible with a Grinder Pump Force Main collection system that will transport sewage from the residential units to the treatment plant. IWS selected the Ashbrook ( package plant for the treatment system, along with their ISO disc cloth media filter for tertiary treatment. The complete package included: Aeration Chamber, Mechanical Clarifier, Sludge Holding Chamber/Aerobic Digester, One Iso-Disc Cloth Media Filter, Disinfection Equipment, and Post Aeration Tank and Pump System. In addition to the concrete pad and other site improvements, IWS was responsible for the start-up of the treatment system with Ashbrook. Abel Godines, the owner’s representative for LH Devco, Inc. was pleased with the project. “IWS really made this a smooth project, from working with the site civil engineer and completing the design, to constructing the system, and then doing the start-up. This was a complex project and needed creative thinking to provide a solution for the budget we had. IWS added value to the project and I would highly recommend them for future projects.”
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